How to say Good afternoon in Pashto

How to say Good afternoon in Pashto

You want to know how to say any word or phrase in Pashto? You've come to the right place! Scroll down to see the translation in Pashto for the English phrase ❛Good afternoon❜.

Online Pashto dictionary

This Pashto dictionary contains the 5000 most used words in Pashto which are essential for day to day communication. Along with the meaning of the word, the dictionary will also provide usage examples.

zamā kor
my house
the house
Koruna zor dī
The houses are old
dwārra koruna
both houses
stāso koruna
your houses
zamūg koruna
our houses
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About Pashto

About Pashto

Pashto is spoken by 40 million people in Afghanistan and Western Pakistan. If you are planning on doing some travelling, learning Pashto would be a great way to make the most of your trip.

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Basic words and phrases in Pashto

Learn to get by in Pashto with these useful words and phrases. The phrases below will help you to greet people in Pashto, introduce yourself in Pashto and even hold a conversation in Pashto after you have met someone.

Basic words and phrases in Pashto
Sahr paqīr!
More Pashto phrases

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